LIN Cun-zhen1,2, LIN Li-yue1,2, ZHU Yu1,2,3, KE Wen-qian1,2
1. Institute of Geography, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China;
2. College of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China;
3. Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
Abstract:Differed from one-way mobility pattern in developed countries, migrants in developing countries tend to rural-urban circular migration. It's a widespread phenomenon that migrants transfer housing investment from destination to origin. Based on the representative data from a random sampling questionnaire survey of migrants in Fujian province in 2015 and investigation materials in Henan province and Anhui province, this paper attempts to explore the time-space patterns of migrants' housing investment behavior in their origin places, using the method of survival analysis, spatial visualization and qualitative research. The results show that migrants' housing investment in their origin places is a kind of typical multi-locational livelihood in the process of circular migration, and the rate of building houses in their origin villages is obviously higher than that of purchasing houses in their origin counties. However, because of many migrants still choose to migrate after building or purchasing houses, a large number of above mentioned houses are idle. In terms of temporal characteristics, there is less housing investment behavior before 2005 and has been increasing since 2005. Migrants need spend more time to purchase a house than to build a house in their origin places. Furthermore, housing policies play an important role in migrant's housing investment behavior in their origin places.
林存贞, 林李月, 朱宇, 柯文前. 跨地区生计视角下流动人口在流出地住房投资行为的时空特征[J]. 人文地理, 2018, 33(4): 43-51.
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Schmidt-Kallert E. A new paradigm of urban transition:Tracing the livelihood strategies of multi-locational households[J]. Die Erde, 2009,140(3):319-336.
朱宇,余立,林李月,等.两代流动人口在城镇定居意愿的代际延续和变化——基于福建省的调查[J].人文地理,2012,27(3):1-6,43.[Zhu Yu, Yu Li, Lin Liyue, et al. The continuity and change in the urban settlement intention between the two generation migrants:Based on a survey in Fujian province[J]. Human Geography, 2012, 27(3):1-6,43.]
朱宇,余立,林李月,等.两代流动人口在城镇定居意愿的代际延续和变化——基于福建省的调查[J].人文地理,2012,27(3):1-6,43.[Zhu Yu, Yu Li, Lin Liyue, et al. The continuity and change in the urban settlement intention between the two generation migrants:Based on a survey in Fujian province[J]. Human Geography, 2012, 27(3):1-6,43.]
朱宇,林李月,柯文前.国内人口迁移流动的演变趋势:国际经验及其对中国的启示[J].人口研究,2016,40(5):50-60.[Zhu Yu, Lin Liyue, Ke Wenqian. Trends in internal migration and mobility:International experiences and their implications for China[J]. Population Research, 2016,40(5):50-60.]
朱宇,林李月,柯文前.国内人口迁移流动的演变趋势:国际经验及其对中国的启示[J].人口研究,2016,40(5):50-60.[Zhu Yu, Lin Liyue, Ke Wenqian. Trends in internal migration and mobility:International experiences and their implications for China[J]. Population Research, 2016,40(5):50-60.]
杜本峰.事件史分析及其应用[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2008:67-70.[Du Benfeng. Event History Analysis and Its Application[M]. Beijing:Economic Science Press, 2008:67-70.]
杜本峰.事件史分析及其应用[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2008:67-70.[Du Benfeng. Event History Analysis and Its Application[M]. Beijing:Economic Science Press, 2008:67-70.]
陈向明.质性研究的新发展及其对社会科学研究的意义[J].教育研究与实验,2008(2):14-18.[Chen Xiangming. The new development of qualitative research and its significance to social science research[J]. Educational Research and Experiment, 2008(2):14-18.]
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黔南日报.返乡购房, 农民工成新兴力量[EB/OL].(2016-01-15)[2017-07-29].[Qiannan Daily. Peasant workers become a newly emerging force to return home to purchase house[EB/OL]. (2016-01-15)[2017-07-29].]
陈向明.质性研究的新发展及其对社会科学研究的意义[J].教育研究与实验,2008(2):14-18.[Chen Xiangming. The new development of qualitative research and its significance to social science research[J]. Educational Research and Experiment, 2008(2):14-18.]
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Schmidt-Kallert E. A new paradigm of urban transition:Tracing the livelihood strategies of multi-locational households[J]. Die Erde, 2009,140(3):319-336.
Dick E, Schmidt-Kallert E. Understanding the mega-urban from the rural:Non-permanent migration and multi-locational households[J]. Disp-The Planning Review, 2013,47(187):24-36.
广州日报.返乡民工建房热的冷思考[EB/OL].(2009-02-24)[2017-07-29].[Guangzhou Daily. A reflection on the housing construction of return migrants[EB/OL].(2009-02-24)[2017-07-29].]
新华网.农民工掀起返乡建房热潮[EB/OL].(2014-03-21)[2017-07-29].[Xinhua Net. The upsurge of building house of return migrants[EB/OL]. (2014-03-21)[2017-07-29].]
四川政协网.返乡农民工渐成城镇购房主[EB/OL].(2015-05-27)[2017-07-29].[Sichuan CPPCC Net. Return migrants gradually become the mainstream of purchasing house in urban[EB/OL]. (2015-05-27)[2017-07-29].]
Deshingkar P, Farrington J. Circular Migration and Multi-locational Livelihoods Strategies in Rural India[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2009:1-12.
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蒋耒文,庞丽华,张志明.中国城镇流动人口的住房状况研究[J].人口研究,2005,29(4):16-27.[Jiang Leiwen, Pang Lihua, Zhang Zhiming. Living conditions of floating population in urban China[J]. Population Research, 2005,29(4):16-27.]
李志刚.中国大都市新移民的住房模式与影响机制[J].地理学报, 2012,67(2):189-200.[Li Zhigang. Housing conditions, patterns and mechanisms of second generation migrants in urban China:A case study of six large cities[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(2):189-200.]
林李月,朱宇,梁鹏飞,等.基于六普数据的中国流动人口住房状况的空间格局[J].地理研究,2014,33(5):887-898.[Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu, Liang Pengfei, et al. The spatial patterns of housing conditions of the floating population in China:Based on the sixth census data[J]. Geographical Research, 2014,33(5):887-898.]
齐慧峰,王伟强.基于人口流动的住房保障制度改善[J].城市规划, 2015,39(2):31-37.[Qi Huifeng, Wang Weiqiang. An analysis of the housing security system based on population flow[J]. City Planning Review, 2015,39(2):31-37.]
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赵晔琴,梁翠玲.融入与区隔:农民工的住房消费与阶层认同——基于CGSS 2010的数据分析[J].人口与发展,2014,20(2):23-32.[Zhao Yeqin, Liang Cuiling. Integration and distinction:Migrant workers' housing consumption and class identity:Based on analysis of CGSS 2010[J]. Population & Development, 2014,20(2):23-32.]
Richard U A, Sunwoong K. Split household rural to urban migration as a household decision:Evidence from Kenya[J]. Review of Development Economics, 2001,5(1):60-75.
Brauw A D, Rozelle S. Migration and household investment in rural China[J]. China Economic Review, 2008,19(2):320-335.
李强,毛学峰,张涛.农民工汇款的决策、数量与用途分析[J].中国农村观察,2008(3):2-12.[Li Qiang, Mao Xuefeng, Zhang Tao. Decision making, quantity and application of peasant workers' remittance[J]. China Rural Survey, 2008(3):2-12.]
梁彩花,周金衢,张琼.返乡农民工炫耀性消费行为的社会心理分析[J].广西民族研究,2010(4):170-174.[Liang Caihua, Zhou Jinqu, Zhang Qiong. A social psychological analysis of conspicuous consumption behavior of return migrants[J]. Study of Ethnics in Guangxi, 2010(4):170-174.]
刘云刚,燕婷婷.地方城市的人口回流与移民战略——基于深圳-驻马店的调查研究[J].地理研究,2013,32(7):1280-1290.[Liu Yungang, Yan Tingting. Types of the return migrations from megacities to local cities in China:A case study of Zhumadian's return migrants[J]. Geographical Research, 2013,32(7):1280-1290.]
胡建坤,田秀娟.农民工回乡建房行为研究[J].农业经济问题,2012, 33(12):53-60,111.[Hu Jiankun, Tian Xiujuan. An empirical study on behavior of migrant worker's going back to build farmhouses in China[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2012,33(12):53-60,111.]
Fan C C, Sun M J, Zheng S Q. Migration and split households:A comparison of sole, couple, and family migrants in Beijing, China[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2011,43(9):2164-2185.
明娟,曾湘泉.农村劳动力外出与家乡住房投资行为——基于广东省的调查[J].中国人口科学,2014,34(4):110-120,128.[Ming Juan, Zeng Xiangquan. Migration and housing investment in rural China:Based on the survey in Guangdong province[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2014,34(4):110-120,128.]
刘成斌,周兵.中国农民工购房选择研究[J].中国人口科学,2015,35(6):100-108,128.[Liu Chengbin, Zhou Bing. Study on the choice of purchase house of Chinese peasant workers[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2015,35(6):100-108,128.]
梁宏,任焰.流动, 还是留守?——农民工子女流动与否的决定因素分析[J].人口研究,2010,34(2):57-65.[Liang Hong, Ren Yan. Being migrant or being left behind:Determinants of migration of children of the peasant workers[J]. Population Research, 2010,34(2):57-65.]
王任,冯开文.改革以来农民住房的改善及其原因探讨——基于返乡调查数据的实证分析[J].中国农业大学学报,2017,22(3):198-204.[Wang Ren, Feng Kaiwen. Promotion of peasant housing since the reform and its reasons:An empirical analysis based on home survey data[J]. Journal of China Agricultural University, 2017,22(3):198-204.]
杜鹏,张航空.中国流动人口梯次流动的实证研究[J].人口学刊, 2011,33(4):14-20.[Du Peng, Zhang Hangkong. An empirical study on the laddering migration of China's floating population[J]. Population Journal, 2011,33(4):14-20.]
国家人口和计划生育委员会流动人口服务管理司.中国流动人口发展报告2012[M].北京:中国人口出版社,2012:3-15.[Department of Service and Management of Migrant Population, National Population and Family Planning Commission of China. Report on China's Migrant Population Development 2012[M]. Beijing:China Population Publishing House, 2012:3-15.]
段成荣,杨舸,张斐,等.改革开放以来我国流动人口变动的九大趋势[J]. 人口研究,2008,32(6):30-43.[Duan Chengrong, Yang Ge, Zhang Fei, et al. Nine trends of floating population in China since the reform and opening up[J]. Population Research, 2008,32(6):30-43.]
Dick E, Schmidt-Kallert E. Understanding the mega-urban from the rural:Non-permanent migration and multi-locational households[J]. Disp-The Planning Review, 2013,47(187):24-36.
广州日报.返乡民工建房热的冷思考[EB/OL].(2009-02-24)[2017-07-29].[Guangzhou Daily. A reflection on the housing construction of return migrants[EB/OL].(2009-02-24)[2017-07-29].]
新华网.农民工掀起返乡建房热潮[EB/OL].(2014-03-21)[2017-07-29].[Xinhua Net. The upsurge of building house of return migrants[EB/OL]. (2014-03-21)[2017-07-29].]
四川政协网.返乡农民工渐成城镇购房主[EB/OL].(2015-05-27)[2017-07-29].[Sichuan CPPCC Net. Return migrants gradually become the mainstream of purchasing house in urban[EB/OL]. (2015-05-27)[2017-07-29].]
Piore M J. Birds of Passage:Migrant Labor and Industrial Societies[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1979:404-405.
朱宇,余立,林李月,等.两代流动人口在城镇定居意愿的代际延续和变化——基于福建省的调查[J].人文地理,2012,27(3):1-6,43.[Zhu Yu, Yu Li, Lin Liyue, et al. The continuity and change in the urban settlement intention between the two generation migrants:Based on a survey in Fujian province[J]. Human Geography, 2012, 27(3):1-6,43.]
朱宇,林李月,柯文前.国内人口迁移流动的演变趋势:国际经验及其对中国的启示[J].人口研究,2016,40(5):50-60.[Zhu Yu, Lin Liyue, Ke Wenqian. Trends in internal migration and mobility:International experiences and their implications for China[J]. Population Research, 2016,40(5):50-60.]
杜本峰.事件史分析及其应用[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2008:67-70.[Du Benfeng. Event History Analysis and Its Application[M]. Beijing:Economic Science Press, 2008:67-70.]
陈向明.质性研究的新发展及其对社会科学研究的意义[J].教育研究与实验,2008(2):14-18.[Chen Xiangming. The new development of qualitative research and its significance to social science research[J]. Educational Research and Experiment, 2008(2):14-18.]
第一财经日报.中西部多地频现空城政府鼓励农民工回乡买房[EB/OL].(2015-05-14)[2017-07-29].[China Business News. There has more empty cities in Midwest and government encourages peasant workers to return home to buy house[EB/OL]. (2015-05-14)[2017-07-29].]
黔南日报.返乡购房, 农民工成新兴力量[EB/OL].(2016-01-15)[2017-07-29].[Qiannan Daily. Peasant workers become a newly emerging force to return home to purchase house[EB/OL]. (2016-01-15)[2017-07-29].]
Wu W P. Source of migrant housing disadvantage in urban China[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2004,36(7):1285-1304.
蒋耒文,庞丽华,张志明.中国城镇流动人口的住房状况研究[J].人口研究,2005,29(4):16-27.[Jiang Leiwen, Pang Lihua, Zhang Zhiming. Living conditions of floating population in urban China[J]. Population Research, 2005,29(4):16-27.]
李志刚.中国大都市新移民的住房模式与影响机制[J].地理学报, 2012,67(2):189-200.[Li Zhigang. Housing conditions, patterns and mechanisms of second generation migrants in urban China:A case study of six large cities[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(2):189-200.]
林李月,朱宇,梁鹏飞,等.基于六普数据的中国流动人口住房状况的空间格局[J].地理研究,2014,33(5):887-898.[Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu, Liang Pengfei, et al. The spatial patterns of housing conditions of the floating population in China:Based on the sixth census data[J]. Geographical Research, 2014,33(5):887-898.]
齐慧峰,王伟强.基于人口流动的住房保障制度改善[J].城市规划, 2015,39(2):31-37.[Qi Huifeng, Wang Weiqiang. An analysis of the housing security system based on population flow[J]. City Planning Review, 2015,39(2):31-37.]
孔冬.沿海发达地区流动人口居住现状及需求发展趋势——基于浙江省嘉兴市的个案研究[J].中国人口科学,2009,29(1):104-110.[Kong Dong. How migrant workers reside and what do they want:A case of Jiaxing, Zhejiang province[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2009,29(1):104-110.]
赵晔琴,梁翠玲.融入与区隔:农民工的住房消费与阶层认同——基于CGSS 2010的数据分析[J].人口与发展,2014,20(2):23-32.[Zhao Yeqin, Liang Cuiling. Integration and distinction:Migrant workers' housing consumption and class identity:Based on analysis of CGSS 2010[J]. Population & Development, 2014,20(2):23-32.]
Schmidt-Kallert E, Franke P. Living in two worlds:Multi-locational household arrangements among migrant workers in China[J]. Die Erde, 2012,143(3):263-284.
Brauw A D, Rozelle S. Migration and household investment in rural China[J]. China Economic Review, 2008,19(2):320-335.
李强,毛学峰,张涛.农民工汇款的决策、数量与用途分析[J].中国农村观察,2008(3):2-12.[Li Qiang, Mao Xuefeng, Zhang Tao. Decision making, quantity and application of peasant workers' remittance[J]. China Rural Survey, 2008(3):2-12.]
梁彩花,周金衢,张琼.返乡农民工炫耀性消费行为的社会心理分析[J].广西民族研究,2010(4):170-174.[Liang Caihua, Zhou Jinqu, Zhang Qiong. A social psychological analysis of conspicuous consumption behavior of return migrants[J]. Study of Ethnics in Guangxi, 2010(4):170-174.]
刘云刚,燕婷婷.地方城市的人口回流与移民战略——基于深圳-驻马店的调查研究[J].地理研究,2013,32(7):1280-1290.[Liu Yungang, Yan Tingting. Types of the return migrations from megacities to local cities in China:A case study of Zhumadian's return migrants[J]. Geographical Research, 2013,32(7):1280-1290.]
胡建坤,田秀娟.农民工回乡建房行为研究[J].农业经济问题,2012, 33(12):53-60,111.[Hu Jiankun, Tian Xiujuan. An empirical study on behavior of migrant worker's going back to build farmhouses in China[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2012,33(12):53-60,111.]
明娟,曾湘泉.农村劳动力外出与家乡住房投资行为——基于广东省的调查[J].中国人口科学,2014,34(4):110-120,128.[Ming Juan, Zeng Xiangquan. Migration and housing investment in rural China:Based on the survey in Guangdong province[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2014,34(4):110-120,128.]
刘成斌,周兵.中国农民工购房选择研究[J].中国人口科学,2015,35(6):100-108,128.[Liu Chengbin, Zhou Bing. Study on the choice of purchase house of Chinese peasant workers[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2015,35(6):100-108,128.]
王任,冯开文.改革以来农民住房的改善及其原因探讨——基于返乡调查数据的实证分析[J].中国农业大学学报,2017,22(3):198-204.[Wang Ren, Feng Kaiwen. Promotion of peasant housing since the reform and its reasons:An empirical analysis based on home survey data[J]. Journal of China Agricultural University, 2017,22(3):198-204.]
杜鹏,张航空.中国流动人口梯次流动的实证研究[J].人口学刊, 2011,33(4):14-20.[Du Peng, Zhang Hangkong. An empirical study on the laddering migration of China's floating population[J]. Population Journal, 2011,33(4):14-20.]
国家人口和计划生育委员会流动人口服务管理司.中国流动人口发展报告2012[M].北京:中国人口出版社,2012:3-15.[Department of Service and Management of Migrant Population, National Population and Family Planning Commission of China. Report on China's Migrant Population Development 2012[M]. Beijing:China Population Publishing House, 2012:3-15.]
段成荣,杨舸,张斐,等.改革开放以来我国流动人口变动的九大趋势[J]. 人口研究,2008,32(6):30-43.[Duan Chengrong, Yang Ge, Zhang Fei, et al. Nine trends of floating population in China since the reform and opening up[J]. Population Research, 2008,32(6):30-43.]
Piore M J. Birds of Passage:Migrant Labor and Industrial Societies[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1979:404-405.
朱宇,余立,林李月,等.两代流动人口在城镇定居意愿的代际延续和变化——基于福建省的调查[J].人文地理,2012,27(3):1-6,43.[Zhu Yu, Yu Li, Lin Liyue, et al. The continuity and change in the urban settlement intention between the two generation migrants:Based on a survey in Fujian province[J]. Human Geography, 2012, 27(3):1-6,43.]
朱宇,林李月,柯文前.国内人口迁移流动的演变趋势:国际经验及其对中国的启示[J].人口研究,2016,40(5):50-60.[Zhu Yu, Lin Liyue, Ke Wenqian. Trends in internal migration and mobility:International experiences and their implications for China[J]. Population Research, 2016,40(5):50-60.]
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